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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Cumulative 2015 Draft Rankings (March)

 Hello fellow draftketeers.
 First of all, this is an incredibly deep draft. The talent breeds much further down the list than the top two names everyone has been (rightfully) talking about. That is why I am so sorry that it has taken until March to post the first edition of these cumulative draft rankings. We were unable to watch these rankings change and evolve over a few months time, and that stinks. However, I'm happy to bring this Hart of Hockey tradition back.
 To reiterate the rules, the cumulative rankings system takes an individual player's rankings in various pundits'/scouting services' publications and then finds the average score from combining all the rankings. In this addition, the lists used were TSN's Bob McKenzie and Craig Button, NHL Central Scouting (CS,) International Scouting Services (ISS,) McKeen's Hockey, and (HP). Since Central Scouting separates its rankings by European/North American and Skaters/Goalies, its numbers are only used as a tiebreaker if the values of two players' or more average score is the same.
 Lastly, this is the time where I remind you that these rankings are not to be interpreted as a mock draft, but rather a different way to value the prospects heading into the draft and potentially project when their names will be called on draft day.
 The first name on this edition of the 2015 draft cumulative rankings comes as no surprise.